Reviving Sanatana Dharma via Education

About us

Our story

How it all started

The Dharma Jagruthi Foundation was founded to educate our youth on Sanatana Dharma and the lasting value system that has preserved the Dharmic civilization, even in the face of centuries of both unintentional and deliberate neglect.

Dharma Jagruthi Foundation aims to expand its reach from coast to coast in the United States and provide value-added education to the youth so they can learn and cherish the knowledge preserved for them by our great Saints and Rishis.





Bala Samskar Kendra, Health Services, Leadership Workshops, Kids Library, Student sponsorships, Budding Entreprenuers



involved in our workshops/schools.



positively impacted by our organization

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Innovative ideas for Innovative Future

Our Concept

Dharma As we understand

Dharma, a foundational concept in our culture, encapsulates a multifaceted understanding of cosmic order, duty, morality, and righteousness.

Originating from ancient Hindu scriptures like the Vedas and Upanishads, dharma transcends mere ethical codes; it represents the inherent harmony and balance that sustains the universe. At its core, dharma guides individuals towards fulfilling their responsibilities and obligations in alignment with universal principles.

It underscores the interconnectedness of all beings and emphasizes the importance of righteous conduct, selflessness, and integrity in one’s actions.,
Join us to enrich the dharmic values and lead a righteous life !


Our Goal

Serve as a guiding beacon for ethical living, societal harmony, and spiritual growth, offering a profound framework for navigating life’s complexities with wisdom and virtue.

What we do

We are a group of philanthropists who play a crucial role in addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges and making a positive difference in the lives of others.
We are motivated by a desire to protect and promote the interests and identity of our Dharma, often in response to perceived threats or challenges from globalization, immigration, or external influences.


As defined by our founders

Dharma is one’s “role” in the Universe. Vedanta postulates that life is a cosmic stage play (Leela). The Ahamkara (ego) is the character and the Aatma (true-self) is the actor. 
Dharma thus represents the role in which character engages with. Life hands us many roles within our lifetimes: Being Son, Father, Employee, Employer, Co-Worker Friend, Spouse. 
Dharma is to fulfill these roles to the best of our ability.

Dharma to us means “in accordance to the universe”. And by that we mean upholding Dharma is equivalent to upholding certain inherent laws of the universe and not letting said laws get broken.

Dharma is the continuous project of aligning oneself towards natural order and harmony in service of the benefit of all. This is a mighty undertaking, so we should start small. For the individual, this means both your own mind and immediate social realm, the people you see every day. Dharmo raksati raksitah, so your efforts will be rewarded. As we progress, our samkalpa can gradually expand outwards to larger spheres of influence, and like that of our’s is, perhaps one day encompass the whole world. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu!

Dharma is an internal, divine force that evokes feelings of nostalgia and compels introspection, self-assessment, and alignment with one’s values before taking action. It is perceived as a guiding principle, prompting individuals to constantly evaluate their intentions and behaviors in accordance with moral principles, fostering a deep connection to a sense of righteousness and ethical conduct.

Charity in Hindu Dharma

Charity is praised as one of the greatest virtues in Hindu Dharma. A gift that is given without any expectation of appreciation or reward is beneficial to both giver and recipient. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says, “Charity given to a worthy person simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness.” (17:20)
Lord Rāma said to Lakshmana: “Truly it is said that what is not given by us will not be enjoyed by us in the future!
“I (God) abandon that person who eats before sharing his food with others. But I never forsake that person who gives food to the hungry before eating himself. I am the Lord of all food. I take away the food of him who eats without giving; and I nurture and give food in plenty to that person who considers giving food as important as feeding himself.”
Skanda Purana says, “Nyāyopārjita Walletasya daśhamānśhena dhīmataḥ, kartavyoviniyogaśhcha īśhvaraprityarthameva cha” (V7). The verse means “From the wealth you have earned by rightful means, take out one-tenth, and as a matter of duty, give it away in charity. Dedicate your charity for the pleasure of God”.
It is believed that the entire life of any human being is to benefit others through his possessions, thoughts, and wisdom. Charity done with without expecting anything in return accrue good karma which will stay with the donor forever. Similarly, one who does not do good to others will incur sin.
In Mahabharata, Yaksha asked Yudhishtara, “What is the best charity?
“That which is given to a deserving person,” Yudhishtira said, “Charity must be given to a person who can put it to the best use. Only then is it virtuous.”

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Frisco, TX, 75035

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